so people in class are signing a petition against the "nazi". how she doesn't explain clearly what she wants in her assignments and if she doesnt receive those required criteria she disregards the students written assignment and gives them an F. she can also be very rude. like when she tries to answer a question raised by students, her tone suddenly becomes commanding and just "you're so stupid, you shouldn't be in this class." With that kinda attitude it's clear to see why not many students try to ask a question in class in fear of looking retarded. She keeps on repeating and repeating criteria for assignments like every single class for an hour when she should be focusing on teaching the material.
so in class, the teacher tells us we're doin' teacher evaluations. she hands out a scandtron evaluation and leaves the classroom momentarily and i just mark down very poor down every single column. while that's goin on, the group of girls passed me the petition. i signed it. i'd say there were 20 signatures. the group of girls headed to drop off the petition at the student rights office and to their surprise see our "nazi" teacher. i think they will decide to drop it off another time. yah, found that kinda funny (the last part).
*sigh i gotta pick up the pace. it's crunch time
so in class, the teacher tells us we're doin' teacher evaluations. she hands out a scandtron evaluation and leaves the classroom momentarily and i just mark down very poor down every single column. while that's goin on, the group of girls passed me the petition. i signed it. i'd say there were 20 signatures. the group of girls headed to drop off the petition at the student rights office and to their surprise see our "nazi" teacher. i think they will decide to drop it off another time. yah, found that kinda funny (the last part).
*sigh i gotta pick up the pace. it's crunch time
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