moronic mormons!
school was alright today. then went home at 5 and get ready for mike jr. farewell dinner party. got home and no one was home. was chattin with a friend and around 6, the door bell rang. my mom would always tell me never to open them in case robbers would come in and rob us. but i always felt there was no harm. so i decided to open teh door. there were 2 gentlemen standing in front of my door wearing dress shirts and ties. they told me they were missionaries. they went on to ask me if i had a religion. i told them christianity. they told me this weird story about this boy named joseph smith.. some story about where he's leaning on a tree. he looks up to teh sky and see's this bright light. then joseph believes that he saw god or jesus christ??! okay, so like these 2 gentlemen at my door told me that he's the real prophet. and like they're trying to use us as prophets or watever to spread a gospel. oh and like they told me that like there are a lot of viewpoints and they want to narrow down the viewpoints into one. for example, there are a lot of christian churches who preach a different viewpoint. and like they're trying to correct all those viewpoints and like make just one viewpoint where everyone can agree upon.
at the end of the conversation, they wanted to meet with me to try to "inform" me. anxious and gullable and naive that the person that i am, i felt excited to make an appointment with them. asked them if they wanted to come as a guest to our church. they responded by neglecting to go and would rather talk independantly. decided to think upon meeting at the community center. so we exchanged numbers but i was reluctant to give him my home so i gave him my cell. told them to call me on saturday and see if i wanna see them on monday.
k, im a very naive person and very gullable. but smart. so as soon as i sent them a goodbye, i went to talk to someone online. they told me that they were either jw or mormons. ahh.. i looked back at their card and it said! ahh..! my friend told me they were bad. i believe in christianity and none of this crap! thanx *friend* but i still gotta talk to more ppl i trust about it.
k went to mike jr's party. and talked to some of my youth groupies. ya. they told me that they were nonsense. ripped the card and told me to forget these morons! yah! that's right foo! told me not to go cuz i or anyone would feel intimidated to go. cuz there's two of them and one of me. what if they wanted to rob me or kidnap me? so yah. but now that i think about it, this is really ridiculous. maybe i'll go and just listen and try to contain my laughter. haha.. my youth groupies are so jokes. they're telling me mormons are the devil. yep!
at the end of the conversation, they wanted to meet with me to try to "inform" me. anxious and gullable and naive that the person that i am, i felt excited to make an appointment with them. asked them if they wanted to come as a guest to our church. they responded by neglecting to go and would rather talk independantly. decided to think upon meeting at the community center. so we exchanged numbers but i was reluctant to give him my home so i gave him my cell. told them to call me on saturday and see if i wanna see them on monday.
k, im a very naive person and very gullable. but smart. so as soon as i sent them a goodbye, i went to talk to someone online. they told me that they were either jw or mormons. ahh.. i looked back at their card and it said! ahh..! my friend told me they were bad. i believe in christianity and none of this crap! thanx *friend* but i still gotta talk to more ppl i trust about it.
k went to mike jr's party. and talked to some of my youth groupies. ya. they told me that they were nonsense. ripped the card and told me to forget these morons! yah! that's right foo! told me not to go cuz i or anyone would feel intimidated to go. cuz there's two of them and one of me. what if they wanted to rob me or kidnap me? so yah. but now that i think about it, this is really ridiculous. maybe i'll go and just listen and try to contain my laughter. haha.. my youth groupies are so jokes. they're telling me mormons are the devil. yep!
At 5/14/2004 12:41 AM,
sammi said…
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At 5/14/2004 12:41 AM,
sammi said…
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At 5/14/2004 12:43 AM,
sammi said…
oops..posted a comment twice and deleted it twice by accident too.. >.< hahahahaah.. ai yah..
At 5/14/2004 12:45 AM,
sammi said…
(Anyway, I'll write it over again...)
Hey Jay... nice blog page here=) I couldn't make it to my cousin's surprise farewell dinner tonight.. >.< Sort of disappointed about it cuz I won't see him until Aug. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't fall for what those men told you today... thank God=) I hope you learned something good from this experience! Hehe.. if there is a next time, take is an opporunity to share your own faith with them! ;) I'll ttyl, bro... ^.^
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